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Verified Paypal without Credit Card

Verify paypal account without credit card a lot of way, such as by way of giving us a bank account, buy a VCC, or by creating Entropay account. All I have done and of all that there is lack and excess.

One by one, I will give an explanation what the advantages and disadvantages of using the above requirements.

1. Bank Account card.
Pros: Easily get a bank account by way of savings.
Disadvantages: It is not accepted by paypal reasons already too many who use false documents.

2. By buying VCC.
Pros: With the low price we can get the desired number by paypal VCC.
Disadvantages: We have to be careful to register and be quick to do it because if we are wrong that there is not a verified paypal account and we will lose money, but it is also the paypal will someday ask our credit card documents.

3. Creating Entropay account.
advantages: It is easy to register and immediately we get from Entropay VCC.
Disadvantages: We have to transfer in accordance with the requirements requested Entropay account to get the numbers, it turns out Entropay also was not able to verify paypal for reasons already too many who use Entropay and much distorted.

At first I had trouble getting a verified paypal account without a credit card, but with patience and humility to ask for paypal, and paypal finally gave way on me. I asked for a list of Payoneer paypal.

Payoneer card also has advantages and disadvantages.

Pros: Able to verify paypal, got the card that we can take at the ATM with MasterCard, a long time yaituh 3 years, without have to transfer the money, and the interest standard.

Disadvantages: Card no content, and can not be filled by local banks or transferred, if we want to fill the need with bank payment USA where we work.

Although I have not verified paypal account, I was actually already working on,,, and, where I worked there that accept payment through Payoneer. That is where I fill my Payoneer and verified paypal.

You can register Payoneer here.

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