Screen printed T-Shirts

Comparing Different File Formats Chart


Currently has made ​​a lot of graphics file formats from several different software. for example, JPG, TIF, GIF, PIC, and others. Because it relies on the ability of computer graphics, each field was requires an appropriate format to the target or goal. for the graphic designer (graphic designer) beginner, it would be difficult to distinguish between one format to another. In this paper, selected some parameter files to determine which model is appropriate chart for the needs of of users. In this study we will consider various
parameters include file size, compression can be done, the quality of images that can dihandel the file size, the ability to do modifications to the specified format. Contribution of this research will provide information on computer users especially in handling of graphics files file selection model that fits the needs or goals of file storage the picture.


Graphics technology is something that attracts so many operating system which makes graphics as its appeal as OS / 2, BeOS and Windows. The existence of graphics technology on the computer allows us send photos via e-mail news at night to be loaded in newspaper three hours later, having photo album as well as anti-fungal and termite Other implementations are sometimes hard to imagine its existence if no graphics technology. Formats for graphics files is a variety of formats such as *. jpg which usually used for photos, format *. gif used for image illustrations, format *. png for images in website and a variety of formats other graphics. The file format is a format that the majority of be independent and not dependent operating system or application used and typically have had specific standards for each format. Growth of current computer graphics has produced a great revolution in various fields, such as graphic format on field of medicine, which helps talah doctors to be able to diagnose a the disease more accurately. Graphical format in the field of entertainment so as to create a animation that looks life, or graphical format on geographic areas (ex:
Meteorology and Geophysics), This technology can help to aware of any change in geological structure of the imaging system.
Objectives are variety of formats is know the differences and problems there. why a good format in the particular case and what constraints happen if one uses the file format the graphics. By the way comparing the formats from various sides. Not to expand the area discussion contained in the process, there needs to be limits to simplify the problem:
1. Applications that use only the image converter to do the conversion and compression of graphics files, adobe Photoshop CS2 and Corel Draw 3.1 for perform editing functions.
2. Comparisons were made of the size, pixel, color and quality dept.

In graph coloring File Format This section describes the Common types of staining contained the graphics file formats, as well as the algorithm the system works.
(Red Green Blue) is the original color Computer, where the staining system is used to capture and display the image. RGB obtained from our own perception of color because the eyes humans are sensitive to red, blue and green. RGB color model is an additive model in which red, green, and blue combined in a way that varied to produce other colors. The name of the model or the abbreviation 'RGB' it come from the three primary colors, red, green, and blue. The term also means RGBA Red, Green, Blue, Alpha. This staining no different from the color model other, but the parts used Alfa for transparency.
(Cyan Magenta Yellow Black) is a widely used color for commercial printing and most color computer printing. In theory, cyan, red purple and yellow (CMY) can print all colors, but the color of the ink is not pure. So it is necessary to black resulting in a good quality when print. This coloring system work not much different from the RGB, with how to combine several colors the resulting color others. Indexed Color Indexed color or named color is a type of color space for digital images. if the RGB image assign a red, green, and blue separately at each pixel on an image, an indexed color create a table that describes the
number of colors that have been known, and each pixel on the gamar refers to a color in the table that. Indexed color can reduce size of the file in an image, especially only with large-scale image slightly different color. For each pixel only requires a few bits to refer to a room in in the color table. File Size Chart File size chart to talk about bit, which will continue to grow as with the number of pixels and color dept of an image or photograph. The greater resolution of an image, the greater the the file size. each pixel to make
a picture or photograph increases size with increasing color depth of the image. one 8 bit pixel (have size 1Byte) capable store 256 colors and 24-bit pixel (Measuring 3byte) capable of storing color as much as 16 billion, or commonly known as truecolor.
File Compression Graphics.
Image compression is an method that uses a algorithms to reduce the size of the picture file. great resolution
of a camera, creating images large. file size may range Among hundreds of kilobytes to hundreds megabytes depending on camera resolution and the format used for save the image. Digital cameras that have high resolution can save 8mega or more in true fashion coloring color. Consider an image was taken by a camera
able to produce images of 8MB pixels. Because each pixels use 3 bytes to be the correct color, image uncompressed it takes 24,000,000 bytes in memory. It is the storage space many just for one picture or photograph, while the camera should be able to save lots of pictures so practical. and The problem is one
the graphics file storage. There are two types of algorithms in File compression is lossy and lossless kompretion. Descriptions are as the following:
1. Lossless compresion, algorithms lossless kompretion reduce file size with no reduction in the quality picture, though they are generally not compressing an equally small file as in a lossy method are working on. current image quality or have levels above photo file size, lossless algorithms will automatically selected.
2. Lossy compression, lossy compression took advantage of the limited the ability of the human eye looked and dispose information that can not be seen. Lossy compression algorithms consider variables level of quality (compression) and when This level increased, the size file will be reduced. In compression
The most high, the decline image quality becomes real. This decrease is known as compression artifacting.
Figure 1 shows the difference image artifaciting experiencing compression. in this paper is not too visible image because it requires a measure of the difference full size to be able to see the compression artifacting.

Figure 1. Lossless Image Compression
In comparing and discuss concerns existing and based on problem definition which we discuss in the format,
we use several applications processing graphics as a medium for analyze the graph format.
Applications used:
1.Image Converter
2.Adobe Photoshop CS2
3.Corel draw 3.1
The problems in the review:
1. size
2. pixel
3. resolution
4. quality

  Some of these formats have weakness as in section bitdept, and alpha channel.
- EPS (Postcript Encapsuled)
Weakness of this file format is not able to save the alpha channel. This file format can store pictures the RGB color mode, CMYK, Lab, Duotone, Grayscale, Indexed Color, and bitmap.
- GIF (Graphic Interchange Format)
This file format is only capable of save in 8 bit (only support Grayscale color modes, Bitmap and Indexed Color).
This file format can not afford save alpha channel.
This file format serves as a alternative to the GIF file format.
This file format is a standard the Macintosh graphics applications and text processing programs with quality
medium for the transfer of documents between the application.
This file format is designed to platform that uses Targa True Vision Video Board.
This file format is generally used to work with Video Toaster and exchange process documentation of Comodore Amiga System.
This file format is used to save the document with the quality high on Scitex computers. comparison
- BMP (Bitmap Image)
This file format is the format flexible graphics for the platform Windows that can be read by any graphics program. the format capable of storing information with quality level of 1 bit to 24 bits. Weakness of this file format is not able to save alpha channel as well as no obstacles to the exchange platform. To create an object as desktop wallpaper.
- EPS (Postcript Encapsuled)
This file format is the format which is often used for exchange of documents between the graphics program.
In addition, the file format often used when you want to print the image. This file format using the advantages
postscript language so that this file format recognized by nearly all programs print preparation. Weakness of this file format is not able to save the alpha channel. This file format can store pictures the RGB color mode, CMYK, Lab, Duotone, Grayscale, Indexed Color, and Bitmap. Also the file format is also able to save a clipping path.
- JPG / JPEG (Joint Photographic Expert Group)
This file format can compress objects to the level of quality according to the options provided. File format often used to store images which will be used for purposes web pages, multimedia, and publications other electronics. This file format can save the image with color mode RGB, CMYK, and Grayscale. File format
is also capable of storing alpha channel, but because of its orientation to the publication the electronic format, measuring relatively small compared to other file formats.
- GIF (Graphic Interchange Format)
This file format is only capable of save in 8 bit (only support Grayscale color modes, Bitmap and Indexed Color). This file format is standard format for electronic publications and the internet. File format is able save animated two-dimensional will be published on the internet, design web pages and electronic publications.
This file format can compress the file format disadvantage is not able to save alpha channel as well as
no obstacles to the exchange platform. To create an object as desktop wallpaper.
- EPS (Postcript Encapsuled)
This file format is the format which is often used for exchange of documents between the graphics program.
In addition, the file format often used when you want to print the image. This file format using the advantages
postscript language so that this file format recognized by nearly all programs print preparation. Weakness of this file format is not able to save the alpha channel. This file format can store pictures the RGB color mode, CMYK, Lab, Duotone, Grayscale, Indexed Color, and Bitmap. Also the file format is also able to save a clipping path.
- JPG / JPEG (Joint Photographic Expert Group)
This file format can compress objects to the level of quality according to the options provided. File format often used to store images which will be used for purposes web pages, multimedia, and publications other electronics. This file format can save the image with color mode RGB, CMYK, and Grayscale. File format
is also capable of storing alpha channel, but because of its orientation to the publication the electronic format, measuring relatively small compared to other file formats.
- GIF (Graphic Interchange Format)
This file format is only capable of save in 8 bit (only support Grayscale color modes, Bitmap and Indexed Color). This file format is standard format for electronic publications and the internet. File format is able save animated two-dimensional will be published on the internet, design web pages and electronic publications.
This file format can compress fine. This file format capable of storing alpha channel.
- PIC (Pict)
This file format is a standard the Macintosh graphics applications and text processing programs with quality
medium for the transfer of documents between the application. This file format can save the image with color mode RGB with alpha channel 1 and Indexed Color, Grayscale and Bitmap without alpha channel. It also provides a file format choice between 16 bit and 32 bit in RGB color mode.
- TGA (Targa)
This file format is designed to platform that uses Targa True Vision Video Board. The file format can store pictures in fashion in 32-bit RGB color and alpha 1 channel, also Grayscale, Indexed Color, and RGB in 16 or 24 bit without alpha channel. This file format is useful for keep records of the rendering of the animation program with results output a sequence such as 3D Studio Max.
- IFF (Interchange File Format)
This file format is generally used to work with Video Toaster and exchange process documentation of Comodore Amiga System. This file format is recognized by almost all program contained in the PC graphics
and be able to save the image with Bitmap color modes. This file format is not able to save the alpha channel.
- SCT (Scitex Continuous Tone)
This file format is used to save the document with the quality high on Scitex computers. File format This can store pictures color modes RGB, CMYK, and Grayscale but was unable to save the alpha channel.
Is an abbreviation of the language French in English called the International Telegraph and Telekeyed Consultive Committee. Compression is used to compress black and white images, and can compress files without omit the details. This compression often used by PDF and other formats the postscript language.

From the research that has been done, we conclude that some file format can replace file format others in the same case. but to produce a performance perfect, would be very good if the implementation, graphics file format used in proportion to the needs of necessary. Based on the research that has been done, then we recommend several graphic formats based some commonly used functions. PSD files for documents that still want edited again. EPS files for documents which is the final preparation for printing. JPG file for printing with compression in upper 8 bits and for photos on the web by compression under 5. GIF files for illustrations and animation on the page web. TIF files to print, exchange documents between platforms as well as the sequence animation.

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